Obtain hp drivers (softpaqs) downloads, as part of client management solutions from hp. Softpaq download manager (hp sdm). Managing hp software and drivers: softpaq download manager (sdm) sdm will find-install-update needed hp software and drivers for your business class machine, including, when applicable, the fussy bios update hp softpaq download manager.
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Hp system software manager (ssm) hp ssm user guide; version softpaq # date os softpaq exe; 4041: sp96471: this package provides the hp system software manager (ssm) for supported notebook, desktop, and workstation models that are running a supported operating system download the file by clicking download or obtain software button. Hp is retiring hp softpaq download manager (hp sdm) on july 31st, 2019, it will be replaced by hp image assistant. hp image assistant is a free tool that aids it administrators improve the quality and security of their pc windows image by diagnosing the image, identifying problems, recommending solutions, and analyzing their pc’s readiness. Overview of hp sdm and hp ssm hp softpaq download manager (sdm) is a software tool designed to streamline the download and extraction process of softpaqs. instead of manually searching for and downloading each softpaq, it personnel can find and grab all the appropriate softpaqs for each of their machines all in one sitting..