Support forum; firefox; firefox won't clear downloads; support forum search this thread was archived check in about:config whether this setting is 0 (zero) * browserdownloadmanagerretention if it is not, set it to 0 cor-el top 10 contributor; moderator; 17551 solutions 158737 answers posted. Browserdownloadmanagerretention. Overview of firefox's about:config security and privacy preferences mozilla firefox is without the shadow of a doubt the browser that you can customize the most this shows not only when it comes to (most) feature additions or changes, as there is usually a way to return to the old, but also when you dive into the depths of the about:config page.
Users not already familiar with about:config entries should read the companion article, about:config, which describes how to modify values and work with the about:config list this article does not contain a complete list of all preferences. Summary: with set to 0, the download manager window remains until clicked/focused → with "remember what i've download" disabled/unchecked ( set to 0), the download manager window remains until clicked/focused. Default preferences are set similarly but inside an extension and use the pref() function. setting default preferences. while most of an extension's directories can be named arbitrarily and mapped using a chrome manifest, default preferences must be in very particular spot:.