Important: starting with windows 10 october 2018 update, rsat is included as a set of "features on demand" in windows 10 itself see "install instructions" below for details, and "additional information" for recommendations and troubleshooting rsat lets it admins manage windows server roles and features from a windows 10 pc. Download windows 10 1903 rsat. Rsat feature on demand tools installing offline for windows 10 1903 once the sccm os deployment is complete, login and the rsat tools for windows 10 1903 will be listed and working as shown below windows 10 1903 active directory users and computers rsat tool installed offline with the sccm osd task sequence.
download windows 10 1903 rsat
Introduction similar to when windows 10 v1809 was released back in october 2018 and rsat debuted as “features on demand”, the way of installing rsat continues with the v1903 release back then i did a powershell script which is able to install and uninstall the rsat features i have now rewritten the script to also include windows 10 v1903.